Config file
Config = {}
Config.Key = 38 -- [E] Key to open the interaction, check here the keys ID:
Config.AutoCamPosition = true -- If true it'll set the camera position automatically
Config.AutoCamRotation = true -- If true it'll set the camera rotation automatically
Config.HideMinimap = true -- If true it'll hide the minimap when interacting with an NPC
Config.UseOkokTextUI = true -- If true it'll use okokTextUI
Config.CameraAnimationTime = 1000 -- Camera animation time: 1000 = 1 second
Config.TalkToNPC = {
npc = 'u_m_y_abner', -- Website too see peds name:
header = 'Employee of the', -- Text over the name
name = 'Pacific Bank', -- Text under the header
uiText = "Pacific Bank's Employee", -- Name shown on the notification when near the NPC
dialog = 'Hey, how can I help you?', -- Text showm on the message bubble
coordinates = vector3(254.17, 222.8, 105.3), -- coordinates of NPC
heading = 160.0, -- Heading of NPC (needs decimals, 0.0 for example)
camOffset = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), -- Camera position relative to NPC | (only works if Config.AutoCamPosition = false)
camRotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), -- Camera rotation | (only works if Config.AutoCamRotation = false)
interactionRange = 2.5, -- From how far the player can interact with the NPC
options = { -- Options shown when interacting (Maximum 6 options per NPC)
{'Where is the toilet?', 'okokTalk:toilet', 'c'}, -- 'c' for client
{'How can I rob the bank?', 'okokTalk:rob', 'c'}, -- 's' for server (if you write something else it'll be server by default)
{"I want to access my safe.", 'okokTalk:safe', 'c'},
{"I want to make a new credit card.", 'okokTalk:card', 'c'},
{"I lost my credit card.", 'okokTalk:lost', 'c'},
{"Is Jennifer working?", 'okokTalk:jennifer', 'c'},
jobs = { -- Jobs that can interact with the NPC
-- This is the template to create new NPCs
npc = "",
header = "",
name = "",
uiText = "",
dialog = "",
coordinates = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
heading = 0.0,
camOffset = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
camRotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
interactionRange = 0,
options = {
{"", 'client:event', 'c'},
{"", 'client:event', 'c'},
{"", 'client:event', 'c'},
{"", 'server:event', 's'},
{"", 'server:event', 's'},
{"", 'server:event', 's'},
jobs = { -- Example jobs
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