Config file

Config, Locales = {}, {}

Config.Debug = false -- true = Debug mode / false = Normal mode

Config.Locale = 'en' -- en / pt (not yet) / es (not yet) / fr (not yet) / de (not yet)

Config.UseOkokTextUI = true -- true = Use okokTextUI / false = Use ESX TextUI

Config.UseOkokNotify = true -- true = Use okokNotify / false = Use ESX Notify

Config.UseOkokGarage = false -- true = Use okokGarage / false = Use config settings

Config.UseOkokBilling = true -- true = Use okokBilling / false = Implement your own billing system

Config.UseOkokGasStation = true -- true = Use okokGasStation / false = Implement your own gas station system

Config.UseTarget = true -- true = Use target system / false = Use TextUI

Config.UseKMH = true -- true = Use KMH / false = Use MPH

Config.Currency = '€' -- The currency used on the script

Config.ContextMenuSystem = 'okok-menu' -- Context menu system ( okok-menu / ox-menu )

Config.TargetSystem = 'ox-target' -- Target system ( ox-target )

Config.KeySystem = 'qs-vehiclekeys' -- Key system ( 'wasabi-keys' / 'qs-vehiclekeys' / 'jaksam-keys' )

Config.ClothingSystem = 'esx-skin' -- Clothing system ( 'esx-skin' / 'illenium-appearance' )

Config.InventorySystem = 'qs-inventory' -- Inventory system ( 'ox-inventory' / 'qs-inventory' )

Config.OpenMechanicMenuComand = 'mechanicmenu' -- Command to open the mechanic menu

Config.TrashName = 'mechanictrash' -- Trash name

Config.StashName = 'mechanicstash' -- Stash name

Config.WarpPedIntoVehicle = false -- true = Warp ped into vehicle / false = The vehicle will be spawned near the ped

Config.SetVehicleDoorsLockedOnSpawn = false -- true = Set vehicle doors locked on spawn / false = Set vehicle doors unlocked on spawn

Config.RandomSocietyPlate = false -- true = Random society plate / false = Use the plate defined in the config

Config.CleanPartsOfVehicle = false -- true = to clean a vehicle you need to clear doors, hood and trunk / false = just clean the vehicle

Config.UseVehicleMileage = true -- true = Use vehicle mileage / false = Don't use vehicle mileage

Config.UseVehicleFailure = true -- true = The vehicle will fail based on the parts on due to be changed

Config.OpenMechanicMenuKey = 'F6' -- Key to open the mechanic menu

Config.EventPrefix = 'okokMechanicJob' -- Event prefix

Config.PhoneNumberFormat = 'xxx xxx xxx' -- Phone number format

Config.PlacePropKey = 38 -- Key to place a prop (E)

Config.RemovePropKey = 177 -- Key to remove a prop (BACKSPACE)

Config.MechanicJobs = { 'mechanic' } -- Jobs that can use the mechanic menu

Config.MarkerID = 21 -- The marker ID for the job locations

Config.VehicleMarker = 36 -- The marker ID for the vehicle locations

Config.MarkerColors = { r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 90 } -- The marker colors for the job locations

Config.StoreMarkerColors = { r = 255, g = 0, b = 0, a = 90 } -- The marker colors for the vehicle locations

Config.RepairKitItem = 'repairkit' -- The kit name

Config.AdvancedRepairKitItem = 'advancedrepairkit' -- The advanced kit name

Config.NitrousItem = 'nitrous' -- The nitrous name

Config.RechargeNitrousItem = 'nitrousrecharge' -- The recharge nitrous name

Config.EngineItem = 'engine' -- The engine name

Config.DynoPrintoutItem = 'dynoprintout' -- The dyno printout name

Config.CleaningKit = 'cleaningkit' -- The cleaning kit name

Config.NitrousVehicleBoostSpeed = 2.4 -- How much speed is added to the vehicle when using nitrous

Config.NitrousUsage = 0.15 -- How much nitrous is used when holding the key

Config.SmokeIntensity = 5 -- The intensity of the smoke

Config.EnableBurnoutOnDyno = true -- true = Enable burnout on dyno / false = Disable burnout on dyno

Config.TunerChipMultipliers = {
	boost = 0.24,
	braking = 2.85,
	acceleration = 0.22,
	gearchange = 0.35,

Config.PopsAndBangs = {
	waitTime = math.random(100, 300),
	minRPM = 0.5,
	maxRPM = 0.8,

Config.CarJackPositionFix = { -- If the position of the car jack is wrong for some vehicles, you can fix it here
	['brioso2'] = {
		frontleft = vector3(0.65, -0.8, 0.0),
		frontright = vector3(0.65, 0.8, 0.0),
		backleft = vector3(-0.65, -0.8, 0.0),
		backright = vector3(-0.65, 0.8, 0.0),
	['akuma'] = {
		frontleft = vector3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
		frontright = vector3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
		backleft = vector3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
		backright = vector3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0),

Config.NitrousBottles = {
	[1] = { name = "nitrousv1", label = 'Nitrous V1', description = "100L Bottle with N2O | 2.4% Boost", liters = 100, boostspeed = 2.4 },
	[2] = { name = "nitrousv2", label = 'Nitrous V2', description = "200L Bottle with N2O | 3.2% Boost", liters = 200, boostspeed = 3.2 },
	[3] = { name = "nitrousv3", label = 'Nitrous V3', description = "400L Bottle with N2O | 4.8% Boost", liters = 400, boostspeed = 4.8 },

Config.Engines = {
	[1] = { name = "lgcy00vr6", 		label = 'V6 Engine', 	description = "V6 3.5L Engine | 1.2% Boost", 	cylinders = 6, 	boostspeed = 2.2 },
	[2] = { name = "lgcy01chargerv8", 	label = 'V8 Engine', 	description = "V8 4.6L Engine | 2.6% Boost", 	cylinders = 8, 	boostspeed = 3.6 },
	[3] = { name = "lg59hurv10", 		label = 'V10 Engine', 	description = "V10 5.5L Engine | 4.12% Boost", 	cylinders = 10, boostspeed = 7.12 },
	[4] = { name = "lg87skodar5rally", 	label = 'V12 Engine', 	description = "V12 6.4L Engine | 6.4% Boost", 	cylinders = 12, boostspeed = 12.4 },

Config.PartsDistance = { -- The distance to repair the parts of the vehicle, it resets after repairing it
	oil = { item = "oil", canchange = 5000, onlimit = 15000, due = 25000 }, -- canchange = after how much distance you can change the part, onlimit = when the part is on the limit, due = when the part is due
	tires = { item = "tire", canchange = 20000, onlimit = 35000, due = 45000 },
	brakes = { item = "brakes", canchange = 30000, onlimit = 50000, due = 60000 },
	filters = { item = "filters", canchange = 10000, onlimit = 20000, due = 30000 },
	battery = { item = "battery", canchange = 60000, onlimit = 80000, due = 100000 },
	timingbelt = { item = "timingbelt", canchange = 100000, onlimit = 120000, due = 150000 },
	enginefluid = { item = "enginefluid", canchange = 15000, onlimit = 30000, due = 32500 },
	lights = { item = "lights", canchange = 17500, onlimit = 22250, due = 27500 },

Config.MechanicObjects = {
	['Lights'] = {
		['Light'] = 'prop_worklight_01a',
		['Light 2'] = 'prop_worklight_02a',
	['Cones'] = {
		['Cone'] = 'prop_roadcone02a',
		['Cone 2'] = 'prop_air_conelight'
	['Barriers'] = {
		['Barrier'] = 'prop_barrier_work05',
		['Barrier 2'] = 'prop_barrier_work01a',
		['Barrier 3'] = 'prop_barrier_work02a',
		['Barrier 4'] = 'prop_barrier_work06a',
		['Barrier 5'] = 'prop_barrier_wat_03b',
		['Barrier 6'] = 'prop_consign_02a',
		['Barrier 7'] = 'prop_barrier_work04a',
	['Traffic'] = {
		['Traffic'] = 'prop_trafficdiv_01',
		['Traffic 2'] = 'prop_trafficdiv_02',
	['Road Poles'] = {
		['Road Pole'] = 'prop_roadpole_01a',
		['Road Pole 2'] = 'prop_roadpole_01b',
	['Car Jack'] = {
		['Car Jack'] = 'imp_prop_car_jack_01a', -- don't change this prop
	['Car Lift'] = {
		['Car Lift'] = 'okok_car_lift_02_a', -- don't change this prop
	['Car Dynamometer'] = {
		['Car Dyno'] = 'okok_dynamometer', -- don't change this prop

-- The vehicles location only work if Config.UseOkokGarage is false
Config.Locations = {
	vehicles = {
		[1] = {
			coords = vector4(-203.65, -1311.79, 31.27, 272.25),
			storecoords = vector4(-210.72, -1309.66, 31.29, 181.68),
			vehicles = {
					model = 'towtruck', 
					label = 'Tow Truck',
					plate = 'MECHANIC',
					minimumGrade = 1,
					livery = 4,
					armor = 4,
					brakes = 2,
					engine = 3,
					suspension = 3,
					transmission = 2,
					turbo = true,
					windowstint = 2,
					--vehicleColor = { 0, 0, 0 }
					model = 'flatbed3', 
					label = 'Flat Bed',
					plate = 'MECHANIC',
					minimumGrade = 1,
					livery = 4,
					armor = 4,
					brakes = 2,
					engine = 3,
					suspension = 3,
					transmission = 2,
					turbo = true,
					windowstint = 2,
					--vehicleColor = { 0, 0, 0 }
					model = 'slamtruck', 
					label = 'Slam Truck',
					plate = 'MECHANIC',
					minimumGrade = 1,
					livery = 4,
					armor = 4,
					brakes = 2,
					engine = 3,
					suspension = 3,
					transmission = 2,
					turbo = true,
					windowstint = 2,
					--vehicleColor = { 0, 0, 0 }
			vehiclesSpawn = {
				vector4(-187.52, -1290.1, 31.38, 270.77),
				vector4(-187.72, -1284.43, 31.35, 270.23),
				vector4(-179.24, -1290.2, 31.38, 180.36)
	armories = {
		[1] = {
			coords = vector3(-196.38, -1318.28, 31.09),
			items = {
				{ name = 'oil', price = 500, amount = 50, minimumGrade = 0 },
				{ name = 'brakes', price = 800, amount = 30, minimumGrade = 0 },
				{ name = 'filters', price = 2500, amount = 20, minimumGrade = 1 },
				{ name = 'battery', price = 3500, amount = 20, minimumGrade = 1 },
				{ name = 'timingbelt', price = 4500, amount = 20, minimumGrade = 1 },
				{ name = 'enginefluid', price = 3000, amount = 20, minimumGrade = 1 },
				{ name = 'tire', price = 1750, amount = 20, minimumGrade = 1 },
				{ name = 'cleaningkit', price = 2500, amount = 20, minimumGrade = 1 },
				{ name = 'repairkit', price = 5000, amount = 20, minimumGrade = 2 },
				{ name = 'advancedrepairkit', price = 10000, amount = 20, minimumGrade = 3 },
				{ name = 'nitrous', price = 7500, amount = 10, minimumGrade = 4 },
				{ name = 'nitrousrecharge', price = 3500, amount = 10, minimumGrade = 4 },
				{ name = 'engine', price = 15000, amount = 10, minimumGrade = 4 },
				{ name = 'lights', price = 500, amount = 10, minimumGrade = 1 },
	cloakrooms = {
		[1] = { coords = vector3(-206.6, -1341.68, 34.89) },
	stashes = {
		[1] = { coords = vector3(-196.38, -1315.23, 31.09) },
		[2] = { coords = vector3(-1196.38, -3315.23, 31.09) },
	trashes = {
		[1] = { coords = vector3(-201.55, -1320.65, 31.09) },
	blips = {
		{ name = 'Mechanic', color = 17, sprite = 446, scale = 0.8, coords = vector3(-212.36, -1325.44, 30.89) },

-------------------------- DISCORD LOGS

Config.BotName = 'ServerName' -- Write the desired bot name

Config.ServerName = 'ServerName' -- Write your server's name

Config.IconURL = '' -- Insert your desired image link

Config.DateFormat = '%d/%m/%Y [%X]' -- To change the date format check this website -

-- To change a webhook color you need to set the decimal value of a color, you can use this website to do that -

Config.UpdateVehicleStatusWebhook = true
Config.UpdateVehicleStatusWebhookColor = '65280'

Config.UpdateNitrousWebhook = true
Config.UpdateNitrousWebhookColor = '65280'

Config.UpdateEngineWebhook = true
Config.UpdateEngineWebhookColor = '65280'

Config.UpdateTuningWebhook = true
Config.UpdateTuningWebhookColor = '65280'

Config.ResetTuningWebhook = true
Config.ResetTuningWebhookColor = '16711680'

Config.UpdateStanceWebhook = true
Config.UpdateStanceWebhookColor = '65280'

-------------------------- LOCALES (DON'T TOUCH)

function _okok(id)
	if Locales[Config.Locale][id] then
		return Locales[Config.Locale][id]
		print("The locale '""' doesn't exist!")

Last updated