Config file
Config = {}
-- false = use command to open the market | true = use blips to open the market
Config.UseBlipToAccessMarket = true
-- If false:
-- This will let the player open the market anywhere
Config.MarketCommand = "market" -- Command to open the market
-- If true:
Config.OpenMarketKey = 38 -- [E] Key to open the interaction, check here the keys ID:
Config.ShowFloorBlips = true -- If true it'll show the crafting markers on the floor
Config.UseOkokTextUI = true -- true = okokTextUI (I recommend you using this since it is way more optimized than the default ShowHelpNotification) | false = ShowHelpNotification
Config.ShowBlipsOnMap = true -- Will show the blips on the map (if true it'll use the blipId, blipColor, blipScale and blipText to create them)
Config.BlipCoords = {
{x = -1082.2, y = -247.7, z = 37.75, radius = 2, blipId = 78, blipColor = 3, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Marketplace", showMarkerRadius = 50, MarkerID = 29},
{x = -1075.4, y = -247.2, z = 44.02, radius = 2, blipId = 78, blipColor = 3, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Marketplace", showMarkerRadius = 50, MarkerID = 29},
{x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0, radius = 2, blipId = 78, blipColor = 3, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Marketplace", showMarkerRadius = 50, MarkerID = 29},
-- x, y, z, radius: Coordinates of the market blips and interaction radius
-- blipId, blipColor, blipScale, blipText: blips on the map:
-- MarkerID: id of the marker on the ground
-- showMarkerRadius: How close you need to be to see the marker
-- Jobs that can access the blackmarket
Config.BlackmarketAllowedJobs = {
job = "police", -- Job that can access the blackmarket
grade = { -- Grades that can access the blackmarket
job = "ballas",
grade = { -- If this field is blank all grades can access it
-- true = use dirty money on blackmarket | false = use bank money on blackmarket
Config.UseDirtyMoneyOnBlackmarket = false
Config.Blackmarket = { -- (item/weapon) / if is weapon then: {"weapon id", true}, if is item then: {"item id", false} (all blackmarket items need to be on the BlacklistItems)
{"WEAPON_PISTOL", true},
{"bandage", false},
{"grip", false},
{"trigger", false},
Config.BlacklistItems = { -- items/weapons that are not allowed to be sold on normal market
Config.BlacklistVehicles = { -- all vehicles that are not allowed to be sold on the market (check the gameName on vehicles.meta -> <gameName>Supra</gameName>)
-------------------------- DISCORD LOGS
-- To set your Discord Webhook URL go to server.lua, line 2
Config.BotName = 'ServerName' -- Write the desired bot name
Config.ServerName = 'ServerName' -- Write your server's name
Config.IconURL = '' -- Insert your desired image link
Config.DateFormat = '%d/%m/%Y [%X]' -- To change the date format check this website -
-- To change a webhook color you need to set the decimal value of a color, you can use this website to do that -
Config.AddAdColor = '6225733'
Config.BuyItemColor = '224'
Config.RemoveAdColor = '16711680'
Config.ClaimAdColor = '12231480'
Last updated