Config file

Config, Locales = {}, {}

Config.Locale = 'en' -- en / pt (not yet) / es (not yet) / fr (not yet) / de (not yet)

Config.Debug = false -- true = debug | false = no debug

Config.UseOkokNotify = true -- true = okokNotify | false = qb-notify ( You can change the notification system on cl_utils.lua )

Config.EventPrefix = "okokMulticharacter" -- This will change the prefix of the events name so if Config.EventPrefix = "example" the events will be "example:event"

Config.ClothingSystem = "qb-clothing" -- qb-clothing / codem-appearance / illenium-appearance / fivem-appearance / other (changeable in cl_utils.lua)

Config.UseOkokSpawnSelector = true -- true = okokSpawnSelector | false = qb-spawnselector ( You can change the spawn selector on cl_utils.lua )

Config.MaxNormalCharacters = 3 -- Max characters per license

Config.MaxVipCharacters = 3 -- Max characters per license

Config.Currency = '€' -- The currency used on the script

Config.CurrencyonLeft = false -- true = The currency symbol will be in the left side | false = On the right side on UI

Config.SkipSpawnSelection = false -- true = skip spawn selection | false = don't skip spawn selection

Config.StartSpawnCoords = vector4(915.73, 54.46, 111.66, 14.83) -- Spawn coords for the first spawn without the spawn selector

Config.PedCoords = vector4(915.73, 54.46, 111.66, 14.83) -- Spawn ped coords

Config.UseTebex = true -- true = use the tebex to purchase licenses | false = use the Config.ExclusiveLicenses

Config.PackageID = 5533104 -- Open the package on tebex and get the ID from the URL

Config.ExclusiveLicenses = { -- If you want to add licenses with custom amount of characters (only if you are not using Config.UseTebex)
	{ license = 'license:2139218309123712308120', characters = 6 }

Config.BlacklistedWords = { -- Words that are not allowed on the character name
	-- Add the words you want to blacklist here

Config.StartItems = { -- If you want to add metadata you can go to sv_utils.lua and change the initialItemsInfo function
	{ name = 'driver_license', amount = 1 },
	{ name = 'id_card', 	   amount = 1 },
	{ name = 'phone', 		   amount = 1 },

Config.AnimationList = {
	 { animation = "amb@world_human_stand_guard@male@enter", name = "enter" },
	 { animation = "anim@mp_player_intcelebrationmale@salute", name = "salute" },
	 { animation = "amb@world_human_muscle_flex@arms_in_front@idle_a", name = "idle_a"  }

Config.Scenarios = {
	lossantoscasino = {
	   cameracoords = vector4(914.25, 57.66, 112.16, 188.17), 
	   hiddencoords = vector3(936.41, 59.1, 111.2),
	   peddeletecoords = vector3(907.75, 53.38, 111.7),
	   pedpositions = {
		   { coords = vector4(913.38, 53.09, 111.66, 343.88)},
		   { coords = vector4(914.7, 54.73, 111.66, 353.73)},
		   { coords = vector4(916.58, 53.66, 111.7, 26.73)},
   office = {
	   cameracoords = vector4(384.78, -68.04, 104.20, 348.96), 
	   hiddencoords = vector3(380.03, -58.85, 103.36),
	   peddeletecoords = vector3(388.68, -68.59, 103.36),
	   pedpositions = {
		   { coords = vector4(386.91, -64.91, 103.36, 117.41)},
		   { coords = vector4(385.56, -63.4, 103.36, 169.82)},
		   { coords = vector4(383.87, -64.17, 103.36, 212.26)},
	luxuryapp = {
	   cameracoords = vector4(-789.34, 328.95, 218.15, 270.12), 
	   hiddencoords = vector3(-793.39, 324.56, 217.04),
	   peddeletecoords = vector3(-788.46, 320.92, 217.04),
	   pedpositions = {
		   { coords = vector4(-783.65, 326.75, 217.04, 359.85)},
		   { coords = vector4(-785.0, 329.04, 217.04, 92.57)},
		   { coords = vector4(-783.74, 331.33, 217.04, 186.45)},
   yatch = {
	   cameracoords = vector4(-1400.09, 6746.28, 9.97, 245.06), 
	   hiddencoords = vector3(-1471.03, 6769.2, 8.57),
	   peddeletecoords = vector3(-1430.62, 6759.26, 8.97),
	   pedpositions = {
		   { coords = vector4(-1394.86, 6743.79, 8.97, 59.23)},
		   { coords = vector4(-1396.76, 6742.9, 8.97, 47.55)},
		   { coords = vector4(-1395.23, 6745.96, 8.97, 296.91)},
   casinopenthouse = {
	   cameracoords = vector4(972.27, 74.09, 116.90, 94.16), 
	   hiddencoords = vector3(979.11, 78.46, 116.16),
	   peddeletecoords = vector3(972.36, 74.65, 116.16),
	   pedpositions = {
		   { coords = vector4(965.94, 73.02, 116.18, 241.94)},
		   { coords = vector4(967.46, 71.27, 116.18, 338.38)},
		   { coords = vector4(967.8, 75.27, 116.18, 233.3)},

-------------------------- LOCALES (DON'T TOUCH)

function _okok(id)
	if Locales[Config.Locale][id] then
		return Locales[Config.Locale][id]
		print("The locale '""' doesn't exist!")

Last updated