Config file

Config, Locales = {}, {}

Config.Locale = 'en' -- en / pt (not yet) / es (not yet) / fr (not yet) / de (not yet)

Config.UseOkokTextUI = true -- true = Use okokTextUI / false = Use ESX TextUI

Config.UseOkokNotify = true -- true = Use okokNotify / false = Use ESX Notify
Config.UseOkokGarage = false -- true = Use okokGarage / false = Use config settings

Config.UseOkokBilling = true -- true = Use okokBilling / false = Implement your own billing system

Config.UseOkokGasStation = true -- true = Use okokGasStation / false = Implement your own gas station system

Config.UseTarget = true -- true = Use target system / false = Use TextUI

Config.UseInteractSound = false -- true = Use interact sound / false = Don't use interact sound ( )

Config.BillPlateOwner = true -- true = Bill the owner of the vehicle / false = Bill the player who is driving the vehicle

Config.ShowRadarsOnMap = true -- true = Show radars on map / false = Don't show radars on map

Config.UseKMH = true -- true = Use KMH / false = Use MPH

Config.OpenPoliceMenuComand = 'policemenu' -- Command to open the police menu

Config.OpenPoliceMenuKey = 'F6' -- Key to open the police menu

Config.EventPrefix = 'okokPoliceJob' -- Event prefix

Config.ContextMenuSystem = 'okok-menu' -- Context menu system ( 'okok-menu' / 'ox-menu' )

Config.TargetSystem = 'ox-target' -- Target system ( 'ox-target' )

Config.InventorySystem = 'ox-inventory' -- Inventory system ( 'ox-inventory' )

Config.ClothingSystem = 'esx-skin' -- Clothing system ( 'esx-skin' / 'illenium-appearance' )

Config.HandcuffItem = 'handcuffs' -- Handcuff item name

Config.PhoneNumberFormat = 'xxx xxx xxx' -- Phone number format

Config.KeySystem = 'qs-vehiclekeys' -- Key system ( 'wasabi-keys' / 'qs-vehiclekeys' / 'jaksam-keys' )

Config.TrashName = 'policetrash' -- Trash name

Config.StashName = 'policestash' -- Stash name

Config.EvidencesName = 'policeevidences' -- Evidences name

Config.EscortOnlyIfHandcuffed = false -- true = Only escort if handcuffed / false = Escort without handcuffed

Config.WarpPedIntoVehicle = false -- true = Warp ped into vehicle / false = The vehicle will be spawned near the ped

Config.SetVehicleDoorsLockedOnSpawn = false -- true = Set vehicle doors locked on spawn / false = Set vehicle doors unlocked on spawn

Config.RandomSocietyPlate = false -- true = Random society plate / false = Use the plate defined in the config

Config.PlacePropKey = 38 -- Key to place a prop (E)

Config.RemovePropKey = 177 -- Key to remove a prop (BACKSPACE)

Config.TackleKeys = { 21, 38 } -- Keys to tackle a player (SHIFT + E)

Config.PoliceJobs = { 'police', 'sheriff' }

Config.MarkerID = 21 -- The marker ID for the job locations

Config.VehicleMarker = 36 -- The marker ID for the vehicle locations

Config.HelicopterMarker = 34 -- The marker ID for the helicopter locations

Config.BoatMarker = 35 -- The marker ID for the boat locations

Config.MarkerColors = { r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 90 } -- The marker colors for the job locations

Config.StoreMarkerColors = { r = 255, g = 0, b = 0, a = 90 } -- The marker colors for the vehicle locations

Config.RemoveOwnOfficerBlip = true -- true = Remove own officer blip / false = Keep own officer blip

Config.UpdateJobBlipsInterval = 1 -- The interval to update the officer blips in seconds, lower values can cause performance issues

Config.RemoveItemsOnJail = true -- true = Remove items on jail / false = Keep items on jail

Config.CommunityServiceMaxDistance = 100 -- if the player is more than 100 meters away from the community service location, the player will be teleported to the location

Config.CommunityServiceAddedMonths = 5 -- the months added to the player's sentence if he tries to escape from the community service location

Config.HandsUpAnimation = { dict = 'missminuteman_1ig_2', anim = 'handsup_base' } -- The hands up animation

Config.PoliceObjects = {
	['Lights'] = {
		['Light'] = 'prop_worklight_01a',
		['Light 2'] = 'prop_worklight_02a',
	['Cones'] = {
		['Cone'] = 'prop_roadcone02a',
		['Cone 2'] = 'prop_air_conelight'
	['Barriers'] = {
		['Barrier'] = 'prop_barrier_work05',
		['Barrier 2'] = 'prop_barrier_work01a',
		['Barrier 3'] = 'prop_barrier_work02a',
		['Barrier 4'] = 'prop_barrier_work06a',
		['Barrier 5'] = 'prop_barrier_wat_03b',
		['Barrier 6'] = 'prop_consign_02a',
		['Barrier 7'] = 'prop_barrier_work04a',
	['Traffic'] = {
		['Traffic'] = 'prop_trafficdiv_01',
		['Traffic 2'] = 'prop_trafficdiv_02',
	['Road Poles'] = {
		['Road Pole'] = 'prop_roadpole_01a',
		['Road Pole 2'] = 'prop_roadpole_01b',
	['Spikes'] = {
		['Spike'] = 'p_ld_stinger_s'
	['CCTVS'] = {
		['CCTV 1'] = 'hei_prop_bank_cctv_01',
		['CCTV 2'] = 'prop_cctv_cam_01a',
		['CCTV 3'] = 'prop_cctv_cam_04b',
	['Radars'] = {
		['Radar 1'] = 'prop_cctv_cam_03a',
		['Radar 2'] = 'prop_cctv_cam_05a',
		['Radar 3'] = 'prop_cctv_pole_04',
		['Radar Signal'] = 'okok_radar_sign', -- don't change the prop otherwise it won't work
	['Evidence'] = {
		['Evidence 1'] = 'okok_prop_evidence_01',
		['Evidence 2'] = 'okok_prop_evidence_02',
		['Evidence 3'] = 'okok_prop_evidence_03',
		['Evidence 4'] = 'okok_prop_evidence_04',
		['Evidence 5'] = 'okok_prop_evidence_05',

Config.PositionFix = {
    { name = 'hei_prop_bank_cctv_01', height = 0.35, subtractHeight = true, heading = 180, sutractHeading = false },
	{ name = 'prop_cctv_cam_04b', height = 0.35, subtractHeight = true, heading = 180, sutractHeading = false },
	{ name = 'prop_cctv_cam_01a', height = 0.0, subtractHeight = false, heading = 180, sutractHeading = false },
	{ name = 'prop_cctv_cam_03a', height = 0.15, subtractHeight = true, heading = 135, sutractHeading = true },
	{ name = 'prop_cctv_cam_05a', height = 0.55, subtractHeight = true, heading = 90, sutractHeading = false },
	{ name = 'prop_cctv_pole_04', height = 0.05, subtractHeight = true, heading = 90, sutractHeading = false },

Config.CCTVCategory = 'CCTVS' -- Make sure this category is the SAME as the one in the Config.PoliceObjects

Config.RadarsCategory = 'Radars' -- Make sure this category is the SAME as the one in the Config.PoliceObjects

Config.Prison = {
	enter = vector4(1680.32, 2513.02, 45.56, 320.26),
	exit = vector4(1846.9, 2585.94, 45.67, 268.35),

Config.PrisonActions = {
	[1] = { coords = vector3(1673.12, 2510.93, 45.56), action = 'clean', actiontime = 10 }, 
	[2] = { coords = vector3(1689.5, 2515.9, 45.56), action = 'clean', actiontime = 10 },
	[3] = { coords = vector3(1713.56, 2519.59, 45.56), action = 'clean', actiontime = 10 },
	[4] = { coords = vector3(1718.44, 2527.8, 45.56), action = 'repair', actiontime = 15 },
	[5] = { coords = vector3(1761.47, 2540.47, 45.56), action = 'repair', actiontime = 15 },
	[6] = { coords = vector3(1664.82, 2501.58, 45.56), action = 'repair', actiontime = 15 },

Config.CommunityService = {
	enter = vector4(427.52, -979.5, 30.71, 88.87),
	exit = vector4(427.52, -979.5, 30.71, 88.87),

Config.CommunityServiceActions = {
	[1] = { coords = vector3(425.66, -972.5, 30.71), action = 'clean', actiontime = 10 }, 
	[2] = { coords = vector3(431.9, -972.79, 30.71), action = 'clean', actiontime = 10 },
	[3] = { coords = vector3(423.07, -974.36, 30.71), action = 'clean', actiontime = 10 },
	[4] = { coords = vector3(422.97, -978.89, 30.71), action = 'clean', actiontime = 15 },
	[5] = { coords = vector3(422.85, -983.29, 30.71), action = 'clean', actiontime = 15 },
	[6] = { coords = vector3(418.15, -988.54, 29.37), action = 'repair', actiontime = 15 },
	[7] = { coords = vector3(424.22, -995.87, 30.71), action = 'repair', actiontime = 15 },
	[8] = { coords = vector3(435.86, -976.8, 30.72), action = 'repair', actiontime = 15 },

Config.SpeedFines = {
	{ speed = 80, fine = 100 },
	{ speed = 100, fine = 200 },
	{ speed = 120, fine = 300 },
	{ speed = 140, fine = 400 },
	{ speed = 160, fine = 500 },
	{ speed = 180, fine = 600 },
	{ speed = 200, fine = 700 },
	{ speed = 220, fine = 800 },
	{ speed = 240, fine = 900 },
	{ speed = 260, fine = 1000 },

-- The vehicles, helicopters and boats locations only work if Config.UseOkokGarage is false
Config.Locations = {
	vehicles = {
		[1] = {
			coords = vector4(458.78, -1017.26, 28.18, 271.5),
			storecoords = vector4(463.04, -1019.64, 27.7, 271.0),
			vehicles = {
					model = 'police', 
					label = 'Police Cruiser',
					plate = 'POLICE',
					minimumGrade = 1,
					livery = 4,
					armor = 4,
					brakes = 2,
					engine = 3,
					suspension = 3,
					transmission = 2,
					turbo = true,
					windowstint = 2,
					--vehicleColor = { 0, 0, 0 }
					model = 'police2', 
					label = 'Police Interceptor',
					plate = 'POLICE',
					minimumGrade = 1,
					livery = 4,
					armor = 4,
					brakes = 2,
					engine = 3,
					suspension = 3,
					transmission = 2,
					turbo = true,
					windowstint = 2,
					--vehicleColor = { 0, 0, 0 }
					model = 'police3', 
					label = 'Police Interceptor (2)',
					plate = 'POLICE',
					minimumGrade = 1,
					livery = 4,
					armor = 4,
					brakes = 2,
					engine = 3,
					suspension = 3,
					transmission = 2,
					turbo = true,
					windowstint = 2,
					--vehicleColor = { 0, 0, 0 }
					model = 'police4', 
					label = 'Police Buffalo',
					plate = 'POLICE',
					minimumGrade = 1,
					livery = 4,
					armor = 4,
					brakes = 2,
					engine = 3,
					suspension = 3,
					transmission = 2,
					turbo = true,
					windowstint = 2,
					--vehicleColor = { 0, 0, 0 }
			vehiclesSpawn = {
				vector4(446.06, -1025.76, 28.25, 3.14),
				vector4(442.54, -1025.98, 28.31, 2.84),
				vector4(438.59, -1026.44, 28.39, 5.22)
		[2] = {
			coords = vector4(-446.49, 6041.74, 31.34, 44.06),
			storecoords = vector4(-445.58, 6048.27, 31.34, 36.47),
			vehicles = {
					model = 'police', 
					label = 'Police Cruiser',
					plate = 'POLICE',
					minimumGrade = 1,
					livery = 4,
					armor = 4,
					brakes = 2,
					engine = 3,
					suspension = 3,
					transmission = 2,
					turbo = true,
					windowstint = 2,
					--vehicleColor = { 0, 0, 0 }
					model = 'police2', 
					label = 'Police Interceptor',
					plate = 'POLICE',
					minimumGrade = 1,
					livery = 4,
					armor = 4,
					brakes = 2,
					engine = 3,
					suspension = 3,
					transmission = 2,
					turbo = true,
					windowstint = 2,
					--vehicleColor = { 0, 0, 0 }
					model = 'police3', 
					label = 'Police Interceptor (2)',
					plate = 'POLICE',
					minimumGrade = 1,
					livery = 4,
					armor = 4,
					brakes = 2,
					engine = 3,
					suspension = 3,
					transmission = 2,
					turbo = true,
					windowstint = 2,
					--vehicleColor = { 0, 0, 0 }
					model = 'police4', 
					label = 'Police Buffalo',
					plate = 'POLICE',
					minimumGrade = 1,
					livery = 4,
					armor = 4,
					brakes = 2,
					engine = 3,
					suspension = 3,
					transmission = 2,
					turbo = true,
					windowstint = 2,
					--vehicleColor = { 0, 0, 0 }
			vehiclesSpawn = {
				vector4(-452.59, 6049.98, 30.95, 219.0),
				vector4(-448.95, 6052.67, 30.95, 211.13),
				vector4(-444.72, 6054.05, 30.95, 208.19)
	helicopters = {
		[1] = {
			coords = vector4(459.47, -981.37, 43.69, 93.83),
			storecoords = vector4(449.29, -981.21, 44.08, 94.65),
			vehicles = {
				{ model = 'polmav', label = 'Police Maverick', minimumGrade = 1, livery = 0 },
			vehiclesSpawn = {
				vector4(449.29, -981.21, 44.08, 94.65),
		[2] = {
			coords = vector4(-467.73, 5997.28, 31.26, 133.68),
			storecoords = vector4(-474.97, 5988.99, 31.34, 141.29),
			vehicles = {
				{ model = 'polmav', label = 'Police Maverick', minimumGrade = 1, livery = 0 },
			vehiclesSpawn = {
				vector4(-474.97, 5988.99, 31.34, 141.29)
	boats = {
		[1] = {
			coords = vector4(-786.92, -1489.66, 1.6, 108.87),
			storecoords = vector4(-792.37, -1495.28, 0.59, 291.07),
			vehicles = {
				{ model = 'predator', label = 'Police Predator', minimumGrade = 1 },
			vehiclesSpawn = {
				vector4(-794.18, -1486.44, 0.59, 112.32),
	armories = {
		[1] = {
			coords = vector3(459.19, -979.0, 30.69),
			weapons = {
				{ name = 'weapon_pistol', price = 500, amount = 50, minimumGrade = 0 },
				{ name = 'weapon_stungun', price = 800, amount = 30, minimumGrade = 0 },
				{ name = 'weapon_smg', price = 2500, amount = 20, minimumGrade = 1 },
				{ name = 'weapon_carbinerifle', price = 3500, amount = 15, minimumGrade = 2 },
				{ name = 'pistol_ammo', price = 50, amount = 200, minimumGrade = 0 },
				{ name = 'smg_ammo', price = 100, amount = 150, minimumGrade = 1 },
				{ name = 'rifle_ammo', price = 200, amount = 100, minimumGrade = 2 },
				{ name = 'weapon_flashlight', price = 100, amount = 100, minimumGrade = 0 },
				{ name = 'weapon_nightstick', price = 200, amount = 100, minimumGrade = 0 },
				{ name = 'radio', price = 1000, amount = 25, minimumGrade = 0 },
				{ name = 'heavyarmor', price = 1500, amount = 10, minimumGrade = 1 },
				{ name = 'handcuffs', price = 300, amount = 100, minimumGrade = 0 },
		[2] = {
			coords = vector3(-444.23, 6011.28, 31.72),
			weapons = {
				{ name = 'weapon_pistol', price = 500, amount = 50, minimumGrade = 0 },
				{ name = 'weapon_stungun', price = 800, amount = 30, minimumGrade = 0 },
				{ name = 'weapon_smg', price = 2500, amount = 20, minimumGrade = 1 },
				{ name = 'weapon_carbinerifle', price = 3500, amount = 15, minimumGrade = 2 },
				{ name = 'pistol_ammo', price = 50, amount = 200, minimumGrade = 0 },
				{ name = 'smg_ammo', price = 100, amount = 150, minimumGrade = 1 },
				{ name = 'rifle_ammo', price = 200, amount = 100, minimumGrade = 2 },
				{ name = 'weapon_flashlight', price = 100, amount = 100, minimumGrade = 0 },
				{ name = 'weapon_nightstick', price = 200, amount = 100, minimumGrade = 0 },
				{ name = 'radio', price = 1000, amount = 25, minimumGrade = 0 },
				{ name = 'heavyarmor', price = 1500, amount = 10, minimumGrade = 1 },
				{ name = 'handcuffs', price = 300, amount = 100, minimumGrade = 0 },
	cloakrooms = {
		[1] = { coords = vector3(454.38, -993.28, 30.69) },
		[2] = { coords = vector3(-450.06, 6016.18, 31.72) }
	stashes = {
		[1] = { coords = vector3(459.01, -982.92, 30.69) },
		[2] = { coords = vector3(-441.97, 6012.77, 31.72) }
	trashes = {
		[1] = { coords = vector3(439.82, -976.8, 30.69) },
		[2] = { coords = vector3(-451.18, 6011.74, 31.72) }
	evidences = {
		[1] = { coords = vector3(455.27, -985.49, 30.69) },
		[2] = { coords = vector3(-446.4, 6008.88, 31.72) }
	sendreports = {
		[1] = { coords = vector3(441.04, -981.15, 30.69) },
		[2] = { coords = vector3(-447.57, 6013.69, 31.72) }
	openreports = {
		[1] = { coords = vector3(441.13, -978.85, 30.69) },
		[2] = { coords = vector3(-448.08, 6011.99, 31.72) }
	blips = {
		{ name = 'Los Santos Station', color = 38, sprite = 137, scale = 0.8, coords = vector3(447.83, -985.41, 30.69) },
		{ name = 'Paleto Station', color = 38, sprite = 137, scale = 0.8, coords = vector3(-446.27, 6013.56, 31.72) },
		{ name = 'Prison', color = 38, sprite = 188, scale = 1.1, coords = vector3(1858.33, 2606.69, 45.67) },

-------------------------- DISCORD LOGS

Config.BotName = 'ServerName' -- Write the desired bot name

Config.ServerName = 'ServerName' -- Write your server's name

Config.IconURL = '' -- Insert your desired image link

Config.DateFormat = '%d/%m/%Y [%X]' -- To change the date format check this website -

-- To change a webhook color you need to set the decimal value of a color, you can use this website to do that -

Config.SearchPlayerWebhook = true
Config.SearchPlayerWebhookColor = '65280'

Config.JailPlayerWebhook = true
Config.JailPlayerWebhookColor = '65280'

Config.CommunityPlayerWebhook = true
Config.CommunityPlayerWebhookColor = '65280'

Config.AddAnkleWebhook = true
Config.AddAnkleWebhookColor = '65280'

Config.RemoveAnkleWebhook = true
Config.RemoveAnkleWebhookColor = '16711680'

Config.ReportsWebhook = true
Config.ReportsWebhookColor = '65280'

Config.ChangeReportWebhook = true
Config.ChangeReportWebhookColor = '65280'

Config.DeleteReportWebhook = true
Config.DeleteReportWebhookColor = '16711680'

-------------------------- LOCALES (DON'T TOUCH)

function _okok(id)
	if Locales[Config.Locale][id] then
		return Locales[Config.Locale][id]
		print("The locale '""' doesn't exist!")

Last updated