Config file
Config, Locales = {}, {}
Config.Debug = false -- This help find the source of a problem
Config.OnlyUnpaidCityInvoices = false
Config.OnlyUnpaidSocietyInvoices = false
Config.EventPrefix = 'okokBilling'
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.DatabaseTable = 'okokbilling'
Config.OpenMenuKey = 168 -- Default 168 (F7)
Config.OpenMenuCommand = 'invoices' -- Command to open the menu
Config.InvoiceDistance = 15
Config.AllowPlayersInvoice = true -- if players can create Player to Player invoices
Config.okokRequests = false -- Player to Player invoices only, to avoid abuse
Config.UseOKOKBankingTransactions = false -- If set to true it will register the bills to okokBanking transactions
Config.AuthorReceivesAPercentage = true -- When sending a society invoice
Config.AuthorPercentage = 10 -- Percentage that the invoice author receives
Config.VATPercentage = 23
Config.SocietyReceivesLessWithVAT = false
Config.AddonAccount = true -- If set to true it will use the addon_account_data table in the database, if set to false it will use the okokBanking tables
Config.SocietyHasSocietyPrefix = true -- *Do not touch this if the resource is working correctly* If set to true it'll search for `society_police` (example) when paying a society invoice
Config.AutoDeletePaidInvoices = true -- true: Deletes paid invoices (to reduce lag) | false: Doesn't delete paid invoices.
Config.DeletePaidInvoicesEvery = 30 -- How often it should delete the paid invoices (in minutes)
Config.AuthorReceiveNotification = false -- If set to true it will send a notification to the author when the invoice is paid
-- Autopay
Config.UseAutoPay = true
Config.DefaultLimitDate = 7 -- Days for limit pay date
Config.CheckForUnpaidInvoicesEvery = 30 -- minutes
Config.FeeAfterEachDay = true
Config.FeeAfterEachDayPercentage = 5
-- Autopay
Config.JobsWithCityInvoices = { -- Which jobs have City Invoices (They will be allowed to delete any invoice) | Admins will have access by default
Config.CityInvoicesAccessRanks = { -- Which jobs have City Invoices (They will be allowed to delete any invoice)
'' -- All of them have access
Config.AllowedSocieties = { -- Which societies can access the Society Invoices
Config.InspectCitizenSocieties = { -- Which societies can access the Society Invoices
Config.SocietyAccessRanks = { -- Which ranks of the society have access to Society Invoices and City Invoices
Config.BillsList = {
['police'] = {
{'High Speed', 550},
{'Parking on bridge', 1200},
{'Jumping a red light', 250},
{'Driving dangerously', 750},
{'Reckless driving', 1000},
{'Custom'}, -- If set without a price it'll let the players create a custom invoice (custom price)
['ambulance'] = {
{'Ambulance Ride', 550},
{'Medical treatment 1', 750},
{'Medical treatment 2', 1200},
{'Medical treatment 3', 250},
{'Medical treatment 4', 400},
Config.AdminGroups = {
-------------------------- DISCORD LOGS
-- To set your Discord Webhook URL go to sv_utils.lua, line 5
Config.BotName = 'ServerName' -- Write the desired bot name
Config.ServerName = 'ServerName' -- Write your server's name
Config.IconURL = '' -- Insert your desired image link
Config.DateFormat = '%d/%m/%Y [%X]' -- To change the date format check this website -
-- To change a webhook color you need to set the decimal value of a color, you can use this website to do that -
Config.CreatePersonalInvoiceWebhookColor = '65535'
Config.CreateJobInvoiceWebhookColor = '16776960'
Config.CancelInvoiceWebhookColor = '16711680'
Config.PayInvoiceWebhookColor = '65280'
-------------------------- LOCALES (DON'T TOUCH)
function _L(id)
if Locales[Config.Locale][id] then
return Locales[Config.Locale][id]
print('Locale '' doesn\'t exist')
Config, Locales = {}, {}
Config.Debug = false -- This help find the source of a problem
Config.OnlyUnpaidCityInvoices = false
Config.OnlyUnpaidSocietyInvoices = false
Config.EventPrefix = 'okokBilling'
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.DatabaseTable = 'okokbilling'
Config.OpenMenuKey = 168 -- Default 168 (F7)
Config.OpenMenuCommand = 'invoices' -- Command to open the menu
Config.UseOKOKNotify = true -- If set to true it will use okokNotify, if set to false it will use the QB notify
Config.UseOKOKBankingTransactions = false -- If set to true it will register the bills to okokBanking transactions
Config.InvoiceDistance = 15
Config.AllowPlayersInvoice = true -- if players can create Player to Player invoices
Config.okokRequests = false -- Player to Player invoices only, to avoid abuse
Config.AuthorReceivesAPercentage = true -- When sending a society invoice
Config.AuthorPercentage = 10 -- Percentage that the invoice author receives
Config.VATPercentage = 23
Config.SocietyReceivesLessWithVAT = false
Config.QBManagement = true -- If set to true it will use the qb-management resource, if set to false it will use the okokBanking database tables
Config.UseQBBanking = false -- Useful for latest QBCore versions
Config.SocietyHasSocietyPrefix = false -- *Do not touch this if the resource is working correctly* If set to true it'll search for `society_police` (example) when paying a society invoice
Config.AutoDeletePaidInvoices = true -- true: Deletes paid invoices (to reduce lag) | false: Doesn't delete paid invoices.
Config.DeletePaidInvoicesEvery = 30 -- How often it should delete the paid invoices (in minutes)
Config.AuthorReceiveNotification = false -- If set to true it will send a notification to the author when the invoice is paid
-- Autopay
Config.UseAutoPay = true
Config.DefaultLimitDate = 7 -- Days for limit pay date
Config.CheckForUnpaidInvoicesEvery = 30 -- minutes
Config.FeeAfterEachDay = true
Config.FeeAfterEachDayPercentage = 5
-- Autopay
Config.JobsWithCityInvoices = { -- Which jobs have City Invoices (They will be allowed to delete any invoice) | Admins will have access by default
Config.CityInvoicesAccessRanks = { -- Which jobs have City Invoices (They will be allowed to delete any invoice)
'' -- All of them have access
Config.AllowedSocieties = { -- Which societies can access the Society Invoices
Config.InspectCitizenSocieties = { -- Which societies can access the Society Invoices
Config.SocietyAccessRanks = { -- Which ranks of the society have access to Society Invoices and City Invoices
Config.BillsList = {
['police'] = {
{'High Speed', 550},
{'Parking on bridge', 1200},
{'Jumping a red light', 250},
{'Driving dangerously', 750},
{'Reckless driving', 1000},
{'Custom'}, -- If set without a price it'll let the players create a custom invoice (custom price)
['ambulance'] = {
{'Ambulance Ride', 550},
{'Medical treatment 1', 750},
{'Medical treatment 2', 1200},
{'Medical treatment 3', 250},
{'Medical treatment 4', 400},
Config.AdminGroups = {
-------------------------- DISCORD LOGS
-- To set your Discord Webhook URL go to sv_utils.lua, line 3
Config.BotName = 'ServerName' -- Write the desired bot name
Config.ServerName = 'ServerName' -- Write your server's name
Config.IconURL = '' -- Insert your desired image link
Config.DateFormat = '%d/%m/%Y [%X]' -- To change the date format check this website -
-- To change a webhook color you need to set the decimal value of a color, you can use this website to do that -
Config.CreatePersonalInvoiceWebhookColor = '65535'
Config.CreateJobInvoiceWebhookColor = '16776960'
Config.CancelInvoiceWebhookColor = '16711680'
Config.PayInvoiceWebhookColor = '65280'
-------------------------- LOCALES (DON'T TOUCH)
function _L(id)
if Locales[Config.Locale][id] then
return Locales[Config.Locale][id]
print('Locale '' doesn\'t exist')
Last updated