Last updated
Last updated
Config, Locales = {}, {}
Config.Locale = 'en' -- en / pt (not yet) / es (not yet) / fr (not yet) / de (not yet)
Config.Debug = false -- true = Debug mode, it will show the debug messages on the console
Config.AutoAddDatabaseTables = true -- true = Auto add the database tables | false = You need to add the database tables manually
Config.AutoCreateSociety = true -- true = Auto create the society on the database tables | false = You need to create the society manually
Config.UseOkokNotify = true -- true = okokNotify | false = esx-notify (You can change the notification system on cl_utils.lua)
Config.UseOkokTextUI = true -- true = okokTextUI | false = esx-textui
Config.UseOkokRequests = true -- true = okokRequests | false right away
Config.UseJobBlip = true -- true = marker or target | false = open with a command
Config.UseTarget = false -- true = Target | false = textUI
Config.EventPrefix = "okokBossMenu" -- This will change the prefix of the events name so if Config.EventPrefix = "example" the events will be "example:event"
Config.SocietySystem = "addon-account" -- addon-account / okokbanking
Config.TargetSystem = "ox-target" -- The target system you are using ( ox-target )
Config.InventorySystem = "ox-inventory" -- The inventory system you are using ( ox-inventory )
Config.ClothingSystem = "illenium-appearance" -- The clothing system you are using ( esx_skin / illenium-appearance )
Config.OpenBossMenuCommand = "openbossmenu" -- The command to open the boss menu if Config.UseJobBlip = false
Config.OpenGangMenuCommand = "opengangmenu" -- The command to open the gang menu if Config.UseJobBlip = false
Config.OpenDutyCommand = "openduty" -- The command to open the duty menu if Config.UseJobBlip = false
Config.BossGrade = "boss" -- The grade that the boss has
Config.Currency = "€" -- The currency used on the script
Config.DefaultPaymentAfterFire = 50 -- The default payment after being fired
Config.HireDistance = 3.0 -- The distance that the player needs to be to hire someone
Config.MarkerID = 21 -- The marker ID for the job locations
Config.TimeLocale = 'pt-PT' --
Config.MarkerColors = { r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 90 } -- The marker colors for the job locations
Config.JobLocations = {
['police'] = { bossCoords = vector3(447.69, -973.46, 30.69), dutyCoords = vector3(440.21, -975.72, 30.69) },
['ambulance'] = { bossCoords = vector3(305.68, -597.83, 43.29), dutyCoords = vector3(295.68, -601.83, 43.29) },
['ballas'] = { bossCoords = vector3(114.18, -1960.81, 21.33), dutyCoords = vector3(109.48, -1961.42, 20.96) },
-------------------------- DISCORD LOGS
Config.BotName = 'ServerName' -- Write the desired bot name
Config.ServerName = 'ServerName' -- Write your server's name
Config.IconURL = '' -- Insert your desired image link
Config.DateFormat = '%d/%m/%Y [%X]' -- To change the date format check this website -
-- To change a webhook color you need to set the decimal value of a color, you can use this website to do that -
Config.DepositWebhook = true
Config.DepositWebhookColor = '65280'
Config.WithdrawWebhook = true
Config.WithdrawWebhookColor = '16711680'
Config.HireWebhook = true
Config.HireWebhookColor = '65280'
Config.FireWebhook = true
Config.FireWebhookColor = '16711680'
Config.EditEmployeeRankWebhook = true
Config.EditEmployeeRankWebhookColor = '65280'
Config.OnDutyWebhook = true
Config.OnDutyWebhookColor = '65280'
Config.OffDutyWebhook = true
Config.OffDutyWebhookColor = '16711680'
Config.GivenBonusWebhook = true
Config.GivenBonusWebhookColor = '65280'
-------------------------- LOCALES (DON'T TOUCH)
function _okok(id)
if Locales[Config.Locale][id] then
return Locales[Config.Locale][id]
print("The locale '""' doesn't exist!")
Config, Locales = {}, {}
Config.Locale = 'en' -- en / pt (not yet) / es (not yet) / fr (not yet) / de (not yet)
Config.Debug = false -- true = Debug mode, it will show the debug messages on the console
Config.AutoAddDatabaseTables = true -- true = Auto add the database tables | false = You need to add the database tables manually
Config.AutoCreateSociety = true -- true = Auto create the society on the database tables | false = You need to create the society manually
Config.UseOkokNotify = true -- true = okokNotify | false = qb-notify (You can change the notification system on cl_utils.lua)
Config.UseOkokTextUI = true -- true = okokTextUI | false = qb-drawtext
Config.UseOkokRequests = true -- true = okokRequests | false right away
Config.UseJobBlip = true -- true = marker or target | false = open with a command
Config.UseTarget = false -- true = Target | false = textUI
Config.EventPrefix = "okokBossMenu" -- This will change the prefix of the events name so if Config.EventPrefix = "example" the events will be "example:event"
Config.SocietySystem = "qb-banking" -- qb-banking / qb-management / okokbanking
Config.TargetSystem = "qb-target" -- The target system you are using (qb-target / ox-target)
Config.InventorySystem = "qb-inventory" -- The inventory system you are using ( qb-inventory / ox-inventory )
Config.ClothingSystem = "qb-clothing" -- The clothing system you are using ( qb-clothing / illenium-appearance )
Config.OpenBossMenuCommand = "openbossmenu" -- The command to open the boss menu if Config.UseJobBlip = false
Config.OpenGangMenuCommand = "opengangmenu" -- The command to open the gang menu if Config.UseJobBlip = false
Config.OpenDutyCommand = "openduty" -- The command to open the duty menu if Config.UseJobBlip = false
Config.Currency = "€" -- The currency used on the script
Config.DefaultPaymentAfterFire = 50 -- The default payment after being fired
Config.HireDistance = 3.0 -- The distance that the player needs to be to hire someone
Config.MarkerID = 21 -- The marker ID for the job locations
Config.TimeLocale = 'pt-PT' --
Config.MarkerColors = { r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 90 } -- The marker colors for the job locations
Config.JobLocations = {
['police'] = { bossCoords = vector3(447.69, -973.46, 30.69), dutyCoords = vector3(440.21, -975.72, 30.69) },
['ambulance'] = { bossCoords = vector3(305.68, -597.83, 43.29), dutyCoords = vector3(295.68, -601.83, 43.29) },
['ballas'] = { bossCoords = vector3(114.18, -1960.81, 21.33), dutyCoords = vector3(109.48, -1961.42, 20.96) },
-------------------------- DISCORD LOGS
Config.BotName = 'ServerName' -- Write the desired bot name
Config.ServerName = 'ServerName' -- Write your server's name
Config.IconURL = '' -- Insert your desired image link
Config.DateFormat = '%d/%m/%Y [%X]' -- To change the date format check this website -
-- To change a webhook color you need to set the decimal value of a color, you can use this website to do that -
Config.DepositWebhook = true
Config.DepositWebhookColor = '65280'
Config.WithdrawWebhook = true
Config.WithdrawWebhookColor = '16711680'
Config.HireWebhook = true
Config.HireWebhookColor = '65280'
Config.FireWebhook = true
Config.FireWebhookColor = '16711680'
Config.EditEmployeeRankWebhook = true
Config.EditEmployeeRankWebhookColor = '65280'
Config.OnDutyWebhook = true
Config.OnDutyWebhookColor = '65280'
Config.OffDutyWebhook = true
Config.OffDutyWebhookColor = '16711680'
Config.GivenBonusWebhook = true
Config.GivenBonusWebhookColor = '65280'
-------------------------- LOCALES (DON'T TOUCH)
function _okok(id)
if Locales[Config.Locale][id] then
return Locales[Config.Locale][id]
print("The locale '""' doesn't exist!")