Config file
Config, Locales = {}, {}
Config.Debug = false -- This will print multiple steps in the console, useful to find when an error happens
Config.DoubleXP = false
Config.EventPrefix = 'okokCrafting'
Config.xpColumnsName = 'xp'
Config.craftQueryColumnName = 'okokcrafts'
Config.ESXPrefix = 'esx'
Config.getSharedObject = 'getSharedObject'
Config.Locale = 'en' -- en / pt / gr / fr / de
Config.UseOkokTextUI = true -- true = okokTextUI (I recommend you using this since it is way more optimized than the default ShowHelpNotification) | false = ShowHelpNotification
Config.Key = 38 -- [E] Key to open the interaction, check here the keys ID:
Config.HideMinimap = true -- If true it'll hide the minimap when the Crafting menu is opened
Config.ShowBlips = true -- If true it'll show the crafting blips on the map
Config.ShowFloorBlips = true -- If true it'll show the crafting markers on the floor
Config.ShowAllCrafts = true -- This option will show all crafts even if you don't have enough level to craft it
Config.UseXP = true -- If you want to use the XP system or not
Config.SameLevelForAllTables = false -- Use the same level in all the crafting tables
Config.MaxLevel = 20 -- Max level on the workbenches
Config.StartXP = 100 -- First level XP
Config.LevelMultiplier = 1.05 -- How much the XP needed increases per level (1.05 = 5% | level 1 = 100 | level 2 = 205 | etc...)
Config.GiveXPOnCraftFailed = true -- If the player receives XP when he fails the craft of an item
Config.SetXPCommand = 'setcraftxp' -- Set the players XP
Config.SetLevelCommand = 'setcraftlevel' -- Set the players level
Config.CraftRadius = 5 -- if you are further it will stop the craft
Config.MaxCraftsPerWorkbench = 10 -- how many items can be in the queue at the same time
Config.UseCategories = true
Config.InventoryDirectory = 'esx_inventoryhud/html/img/items'
Config.UseOx_inventory = false
Config.NotInterectableTables = false -- true = all blips will disapear and you can only open the crafting table using the `openClosestTable` or `openWorkbench` events
Config.AdminGroups = {
Config.itemNames = { -- Format: id = label | In case the item starts with a number make sure to set it in this format: ['9mm'] = 9mm ammo,
metalscrap = 'Metal Scrap',
weapon_assaultrifle = 'Assault Rifle',
iron = 'Iron',
bandage = 'Bandage',
medikit = 'First Aid',
['10kgoldchain'] = '10kgoldchain',
plastic = 'Plastic',
copper = 'Copper',
aluminum = 'Aluminum',
money = 'Money',
Config.Crafting = {
coordinates = vector3(-809.4, 190.3, 72.5), -- coordinates of the table
radius = 1, -- radius of the table
showMapBlip = true,
marker = {type = 20, r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 155, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, textureDict = 0, textureName = 0, drawOnEnts = 0},
showBlipRadius = 50,
blip = {blipId = 89, blipColor = 3, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = 'Crafting'}, -- to get blips and colors check this:
tableName = 'General', -- Title
tableID = 'general1', -- make a different one for every table with NO spaces
crafts = { -- What items are available for crafting and the recipe
'rifle', -- Recipe id
jobs = { -- What jobs are able to open the workbench
['police'] = {
['all'] = true,
['ambulance'] = {
['boss'] = true,
['chief'] = true,
coordinates = vector3(-817.0, 182.8, 72.3),
radius = 1,
showMapBlip = true,
marker = {type = 20, r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 155, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, textureDict = 0, textureName = 0, drawOnEnts = 0},
showBlipRadius = 50,
blip = {blipId = 89, blipColor = 3, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = 'Crafting'},
tableName = 'Weapons',
tableID = 'general2',
crafts = {
jobs = {
['all'] = true -- For everyone to be able to open the workbench
Config.Crafts = {
['rifle'] = {
item = 'weapon_assaultrifle', -- Item id and name of the image
amount = 1, -- Amount of the item the player will receive
maxCraft = 1, -- Max amount of crafts at a time
successCraftPercentage = 75, -- Percentage of successful craft 0 = 0% | 50 = 50% | 100 = 100%
isItem = false, -- if true = is item | if false = is weapon
isDisassemble = false, -- true = disassemble | false = craft
time = 6, -- Time to craft (in seconds)
levelNeeded = 2, -- What level he needs to craft this item
xpPerCraft = 40, -- How much XP he receives after crafting this item
recipe = { -- Recipe to craft it
{'iron', 1, true, false}, -- item/amount/if the item should be removed when crafting/if it's money
{'money', 2000, true, true},
job = { -- What jobs can craft this item in this workbench
data = {}, -- Used to pass additional data, such as metadata
category = 'Weapons', -- Used as ID and Name of the category
['firstaid'] = {
item = 'medikit',
amount = 1,
maxCraft = 10,
successCraftPercentage = 75,
isItem = true,
isDisassemble = false,
time = 3,
levelNeeded = 0,
xpPerCraft = 15,
recipe = {
{'bandage', 4, true, false},
job = {
data = {}, -- Used to pass additional data, such as metadata
category = 'Health',
-------------------------- DISCORD LOGS
-- To set your Discord Webhook URL go to server.lua, line 3
Config.BotName = 'ServerName' -- Write the desired bot name
Config.ServerName = 'ServerName' -- Write your server's name
Config.IconURL = '' -- Insert your desired image link
Config.DateFormat = '%d/%m/%Y [%X]' -- To change the date format check this website -
-- To change a webhook color you need to set the decimal value of a color, you can use this website to do that -
Config.StartCraftWebhookColor = '16127'
Config.CancelWebhookColor = '16776960'
Config.ClaimCraftWebhookColor = '65352'
Config.FailedCraftWebhookColor = '16711680'
-------------------------- LOCALES (DON'T TOUCH)
function _L(id)
if Locales[Config.Locale][id] then
return Locales[Config.Locale][id]
print('Locale '' doesn\'t exist')
Config, Locales = {}, {}
Config.Debug = false -- This will print multiple steps in the console, useful to find when an error happens
Config.DoubleXP = false
Config.EventPrefix = 'okokCrafting'
Config.xpColumnsName = 'xp'
Config.craftQueryColumnName = 'okokcrafts'
Config.qbPrefix = 'qb'
Config.QBCorePrefix = 'QBCore'
Config.Locale = 'en' -- en / pt / gr / fr / de
Config.UseOkokTextUI = true -- true = okokTextUI (I recommend you using this since it is way more optimized than the default ShowHelpNotification) | false = ShowHelpNotification
Config.Key = 38 -- [E] Key to open the interaction, check here the keys ID:
Config.HideMinimap = true -- If true it'll hide the minimap when the Crafting menu is opened
Config.ShowBlips = true -- If true it'll show the crafting blips on the map
Config.ShowFloorBlips = true -- If true it'll show the crafting markers on the floor
Config.ShowAllCrafts = true -- This option will show all crafts even if you don't have enough level to craft it
Config.UseXP = true -- If you want to use the XP system or not
Config.SameLevelForAllTables = false -- Use the same level in all the crafting tables
Config.MaxLevel = 20 -- Max level on the workbenches
Config.StartXP = 100 -- First level XP
Config.LevelMultiplier = 1.05 -- How much the XP needed increases per level (1.05 = 5% | level 1 = 100 | level 2 = 205 | etc...)
Config.GiveXPOnCraftFailed = true -- If the player receives XP when he fails the craft of an item
Config.SetXPCommand = 'setcraftxp' -- Set the players XP
Config.SetLevelCommand = 'setcraftlevel' -- Set the players level
Config.CraftRadius = 5 -- if you are further it will stop the craft
Config.MaxCraftsPerWorkbench = 10 -- how many items can be in the queue at the same time
Config.UseCategories = true
Config.InventoryDirectory = 'qb-inventory/html/images'
Config.UseOx_inventory = false
Config.NotInterectableTables = false -- true = all blips will disapear and you can only open the crafting table using the `openClosestTable` or `openWorkbench` events
Config.AdminGroups = {
Config.itemNames = { -- Format: id = label | In case the item starts with a number make sure to set it in this format: ['9mm'] = 9mm ammo,
metalscrap = 'Metal Scrap',
weapon_assaultrifle = 'Assault Rifle',
iron = 'Iron',
bandage = 'Bandage',
firstaid = 'First Aid',
['10kgoldchain'] = '10kgoldchain',
plastic = 'Plastic',
copper = 'Copper',
aluminum = 'Aluminum',
iron = 'Iron',
cash = 'Money',
Config.Crafting = {
coordinates = vector3(-809.4, 190.3, 72.5), -- coordinates of the table
radius = 1, -- radius of the table
showMapBlip = true,
marker = {type = 20, r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 155, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, textureDict = 0, textureName = 0, drawOnEnts = 0},
showBlipRadius = 50,
blip = {blipId = 89, blipColor = 3, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = 'Crafting'}, -- to get blips and colors check this:
tableName = 'General', -- Title
tableID = 'general1', -- make a different one for every table with NO spaces
crafts = { -- What items are available for crafting and the recipe
'rifle', -- Recipe id
jobs = { -- What jobs are able to open the workbench
['police'] = {
['boss'] = true,
['chief'] = true,
['ambulance'] = {
['boss'] = true,
['chief'] = true,
coordinates = vector3(-817.0, 182.8, 72.3),
radius = 1,
showMapBlip = true,
marker = {type = 20, r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 155, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, textureDict = 0, textureName = 0, drawOnEnts = 0},
showBlipRadius = 50,
blip = {blipId = 89, blipColor = 3, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = 'Crafting'},
tableName = 'Weapons',
tableID = 'general2',
crafts = {
jobs = {
['all'] = true -- For everyone to be able to open the workbench
Config.Crafts = {
['rifle'] = {
item = 'weapon_assaultrifle', -- Item id and name of the image
amount = 1, -- Amount of the item the player will receive
maxCraft = 1, -- Max amount of crafts at a time
successCraftPercentage = 75, -- Percentage of successful craft 0 = 0% | 50 = 50% | 100 = 100%
isItem = true, -- if true = is item | if false = is weapon
isDisassemble = false, -- true = disassemble | false = craft
time = 6, -- Time to craft (in seconds)
levelNeeded = 2, -- What level he needs to craft this item
xpPerCraft = 40, -- How much XP he receives after crafting this item
recipe = { -- Recipe to craft it
{'iron', 1, true, false}, -- item/amount/if the item should be removed when crafting/if it's money
{'cash', 2000, true, true},
job = { -- What jobs can craft this item in this workbench
data = {}, -- Used to pass additional data, such as metadata
category = 'Weapons', -- Used as ID and Name of the category
['firstaid'] = {
item = 'firstaid',
amount = 1,
maxCraft = 10,
successCraftPercentage = 75,
isItem = true,
isDisassemble = false,
time = 3,
levelNeeded = 0,
xpPerCraft = 15,
recipe = {
{'bandage', 4, true, false},
job = {
data = {}, -- Used to pass additional data, such as metadata
category = 'Health',
-------------------------- DISCORD LOGS
-- To set your Discord Webhook URL go to server.lua, line 3
Config.BotName = 'ServerName' -- Write the desired bot name
Config.ServerName = 'ServerName' -- Write your server's name
Config.IconURL = '' -- Insert your desired image link
Config.DateFormat = '%d/%m/%Y [%X]' -- To change the date format check this website -
-- To change a webhook color you need to set the decimal value of a color, you can use this website to do that -
Config.StartCraftWebhookColor = '16127'
Config.CancelWebhookColor = '16776960'
Config.ClaimCraftWebhookColor = '65352'
Config.FailedCraftWebhookColor = '16711680'
-------------------------- LOCALES (DON'T TOUCH)
function _L(id)
if Locales[Config.Locale][id] then
return Locales[Config.Locale][id]
print('Locale '' doesn\'t exist')
Last updated